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LabVIEW Core 3

The LabVIEW Core 3 Course introduces you to structured practices to help you design, implement, document, and test LabVIEW applications. This course focuses on developing hierarchical applications that are scalable, readable, and maintainable. The processes and techniques covered in this course help you reduce development time and improve your application stability. By incorporating these design practices early in your development, you can avoid unnecessary application redesign, increase VI reuse, and minimize maintenance costs.

Course Outline

  • Exploring LabVIEW Style Guidelines
  • Designing and Developing Software Applications
  • Organizing LabVIEW Project
  • Using Project Explorer Tools and Techniques
  • Creating Application Architecture
  • Selecting Software Framework
  • Creating User Interface
  • Ensuring Usability of User Interface
  • Designing Modular Applications
  • Code Module Testing


  • LabVIEW Core 1
  • LabVIEW Core 2 or equivalent experience

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